Roman Vyacheslavovich Plokhikh – Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor at the KOKSON Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor at the Russian Academy of Economics, Associate Professor at the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism. Total work experience is 24 years, scientific and pedagogical experience is 21 years. He has been working at KazNU since 2015. Member of the Expert Council of KOKSNVO MNERO RK since 09/01/2020. Expert of TsViPO for State Enterprise “Tourism” and “RDiGB” since 09/01/2020. National expert of NAOKO / IQAA since 2019. Member of the section of the Educational Management Department of the State Unitary Enterprise at JSC "ATU" in the profile of training personnel with higher and postgraduate education "RDiGB" since 2019. Coordinator of the double-degree master's program "Tourism" with the National Research University "BelSU" (since 2015). Since 2018, member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “American Journal of Environmental Sciences”; from 2018 – “American Journal of Applied Scientific Research”; from 2018 – “Scientific notes of the Crimean Federal University”; since 2017 – “Bulletin of KazNU. Geographical series"; from 2015 – “Scientific result. Series “Business and Service Technologies” National Research University BelSU; from 2014 – “Geopolitics and ecogeodynamics of regions” KFU im. IN AND. Vernadsky; since 2007 – “Issues of geography and geoecology” JSC “Institute of Geography and Water Security”. Laureate of the competition of state scientific scholarships for talented young scientists (2008-2010). Dissertation research supervisor G.Zh. Nurgalieva (2008), M.A. Khozhaeva (2010) for the academic degree of Candidate of Geographical Sciences, PhD research by R.M. Bayburieva. (2023). Author of more than 250 scientific articles, 7 collective and personal monographs/textbooks, 12 copyright certificates. H-index: SCOPUS = 3, WoS = 2. From 2001 to 2023, he took part in and provided scientific leadership within the framework of 9 programs of fundamental and targeted research (PFI and PCF of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and 36 research projects funded by domestic and foreign organizations , including in the direction of “Tourism” and “Service Sector”. ​


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Expiration date

Жезказганский унив.им.О.А.Байконурова

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Author Documents


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